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  • Writer's pictureKaitlyn Hall

5 Herbs That Grow Like Weeds, Because They Are

Weeds get a bad rap, while herbs conjure elegance and refinement. Its hard to imagine pulling up rosemary or mint in the same fashion as carpet weed or invasive "trash plants" that bully their way into your garden, even but some of the fanciest herbs have weedy ways.

Herb gardens provide comfort for home chefs and plant enthusiasts alike by combining the ease of "weedy" plants and the fragrance and tastes required of good dishes. Lucky for both there is a wide variety of herbs that are as resilient and fast growing as the dandelions breaking through the concrete. The invasive nature and relative ease of care means while they may over take an outdoor garden, they have few obstacles sitting on your windowsill.

1. Mint

Mint is a fun plant to grow and one of the easiest in our opinion. Its vast varieties make this herb widely available in both seed and plant form. Like most of the plants on this list it does best in the sunniest room, though the edible leaves will sprout even in low light conditions.

2. Oregano

This pantry staple spread underground through runners that cover the ground. Their natural tendency to spread outward instead of upward means the leaves are fast growing and abundant. Like most herbs, oregano can be dried and stored for an extended period.

3. Lemon Balm

A mixologist's favorite, lemon balm's soft citrusy scent makes is a great addition to a cocktail garden. This plant is laid-back, fast growing, and can be grown all year long indoors. Its weediness comes from self-seeding outdoors that allows for the herb to strangle out other plants.

4. Thyme

English thyme a is low growing, cold tolerant, hardy plant that grows into most any soil it touches. Its durability and attractiveness makes it an unlikely, but formidable, ground cover. It's offshoots spread underground making them nice for container gardening.

5. Rosemary

Rosemary, the matron of the herbs---at least in our opinion. Unlike most herbs, rosemary is an evergreen so it's cold hardy and does not need to seed every year. It grows like a shrub, sending runners from its stem. This plant is also a good pest repellant and so is open placed by garden gates.

Do to the invasive nature of these plants they should be planted in separate, individual pots. These can all be propagated from stem cuttings, dried, and kept year round indoors. While they are hardier than some food plants, they thrive with adequate lighting and should get as much sun expose as possible.

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